Articles by Cécile Davan

Job advice

How to Learn English… Faster!

Bilingualism is more than an asset when you want to work in a call centre. How can you master English faster? Some tips. It’s easy to converse in English with friends, but things can sometimes get complicated when you find yourself in a professional context where you have to sell, negotiate or respond to dissatisfied […]


How to Assert Your Personality With a Recruiter

To stand out, skills are not enough – you have to know how to arouse the recruiter’s interest by highlighting your personality. How do you achieve this in a résumé, on social media? Tips. Targeting the required personal qualities Showcasing your personality is a good way of enhancing your candidacy and eliciting a call from […]

Career management

Succeeding As a “Consultant” — Best Practices

Going into business puts the wind in your sails. Whether you are seeking greater freedom of action, to work on a variety of projects or to be your own boss, consulting is an appealing option. But becoming a “consultant” is not for novices. Between expertise and social skills, here are some tips to stand out. […] network