Articles by Maryse Boyce

Career management

Changing Fields – Good Questions to Ask

Has the urge to drop your professional activities to start over from scratch in another field crossed your mind? Before you start looking for greener pastures where you can develop new skills, certain questions are worth asking so you don’t drag your dissatisfaction into it. What drives me professionally? You can carry out the exercise […]

Career management

Getting the Most Out of an Interim Position

You have accepted an interim position, for example replacing someone on maternity leave. This is often the opportunity to show what you are capable of to a potential employer… who won’t let you go! How to get the most out of an interim position. “You have to view an interim position as a probation,” insists […]

Jobs search

Solutions for finding work… fast!

If you are looking for a job, whether temporary job or your career ideal, you must first take care of your CV and cover letter template to enhance the value of your skills. You can do the same with your LinkedIn profile, which is a good showcase for potential employers, provided it is neat and […]

Company life

Self-Confidence at Work – It’s a Winner!

How do you get self-confidence at work? Here are some tips to achieve this and be able to function at your full potential! Getting to know your strengths and areas for improvement “People who know themselves well have more self-confidence, because they know where their talents are,” summarizes Jacinthe Ouellet, occupational psychologist and coach at […] network