Does the prospect of talking about salary with your superior keep you awake at night? If you are well prepared for this conversation, there is no reason to worry about it. Here are some tips for a successful interview. According to John Meese, director at BambooHR, you should not be afraid to talk about money […]
Is the status of independent the future of work? According to an Intuit study, no less than 40% of the workforce in the United States will be made up of independent workers this year. This level has never been reached before. It is a trend that Canada has not completely missed. Here as well, the […]
Security guard, kitchen help, longshoremen, technical workers, crane operators, waiters… There is no shortage of job openings in Prince Rupert. In this village of 12,000 inhabitants located on the shores of the North Pacific, two hours by boat from Alaska, the port is in an economic boom, to the point that businesses are struggling to […]
There is no longer any doubt about the many benefits of networking. How can you use it to stand out and, especially, to avoid missing opportunities? Here are five strategies to achieve this! Have a clear plan It’s not enough to dress up! Before the meeting, make sure to review the goals. If possible, take […]
Large restaurant chains employ workers of all ages, from students to experienced workers. Even if the task might seem repetitive, working in restaurants such as Saint-Hubert, A&W or McDonald’s has real benefits. Flexibility and mobility Due to the long opening hours and hiring of young students, the large chains have developed a good culture […]
The new year is fast approaching and it’s time to start thinking about your good resolutions for 2020. From a personal point of view, losing weight and quitting smoking are classics… But what about your 2020 professional goals? Here are 20 ideas to study. No worries: you don’t have to do everything, but setting two […]
Winter tourism is more than dog sledding! What kind of tourism businesses can people work in who wish to show the world the joys of winter in the most beautiful country in the world? In Quebec alone, there are 15,000 jobs to be filled for the winter season in the sector ranking second in […]
After the expenses of the holiday season, now is the time to start off the New Year on the right foot. Why not compare your salary with the market? Who knows? You might be able to get the increase you’ve been hoping for for a long time. There are many tools to find out […]
Temporary employment can be a good way to reintegrate into the labour market after a setback (professional or personal) or a prolonged absence (sabbatical year, maternity leave). “For someone who hasn’t worked for awhile, returning to work temporarily causes less stress and helps get back on their feet,” says Julie Gosselin, Employment Advisor at GIT […]
A recent figure has caused a lot of ink to flow: Google has more temporary employees than permanent employees. We take a look at what is on the horizon with regard to temporary employment. According to the most recent data from Statistics Canada, temporary employment (generally part-time positions obtained through an employment agency) has been […]
Finding an exciting and rewarding job is not easy! Here are some faux pas that can ruin everything… right from square one. Not coming to terms with a job experience Dismissal, psychological harassment, seeking new challenges… The end of a job should never be taken lightly. It’s necessary to take the time to take on […]
More subtle than sending a resume, the exploratory meeting is a way to open doors to potential employers without necessarily appearing to beg for a job… Let’s see what it is. The exploratory meeting is an informal meeting that is requested with a director, manager or professional of the same hierarchical level, to obtain information […]