Placement agency : Temporary jobs

Interview with Michelle Dunnill, Director of the Greater Toronto branch of Manpower placement agency, let us find out more about temporary employment in this region. A chance to learn more about the characteristics of the market, businesses, contracts, employees and to get the benefit of some advice.

How is the temporary labour market evolving in greater Toronto ? 

The temporary labour market in the Toronto region is doing well and has grown over the last 12 months.Health and finance are the two sectors that have seen the highest growth in the Greater Toronto branch.

What positions are offered the most at your branch ? 

We have a wide variety of positions offered relating to receptionists, administrative assistants, executive assistants, data entry operators, positions related to human resources and general accounting, financial analysts, bilingual technical support, medical assistants, etc.

What is the average duration of the temporary contracts that you offer  ? 

The average duration at Manpower varies between 4 hours and 3 months. This duration depends on the sector of activity, the position and also the time for training and adaptation to become operational. So a temporary customer service representative lasts at least 3 months so that the company can pay for the time invested to train the employee. Conversely, in industry training time is shorter, so it is not uncommon to have temporary contracts of only a few hours. When a candidate acquires sufficient skills on a work tool, I am thinking in particular of the Meditech software in the medical field, the company will rather extend his contract and entrust other duties in different departments than train another person.

How often do companies renew or extend temporary contracts ? 

Due to limited budgets in different company departments, the chance of renewing or extending a temporary contract is somewhat ad hoc. However, this can happen occasionally if a candidate stands out or if he becomes an asset for the company or if the deadline for the project is extended. Sometimes a permanent position may be proposed at the end of a temporary contract, but under no circumstances does the Toronto branch of Manpower “promise” such opportunities to candidates. It all depends on the organization, its projects and its budget, etc.

What are the main reasons for a candidate to look for a temporary job ? 

At the Toronto branch, there are candidates who want to obtain key skills and experience in a specific centre of interest or to simply acquire skills in a specific sector of activity to improve their overall assets.

What skill is needed to work in a temporary job and integrate easily into a business ? 

Regardless of the level of temporary job opportunities that Manpower Toronto offers, it is essential that candidates have solid computer skills.

What is the hiring process at the Toronto branch of Manpower placement agency ? 

Our hiring process consists of an interview, a testing phase and a video recording of the candidate.

What advice would you give to a young graduate ? 

I would really advise a young graduate, even though seeking a permanent job, to very quickly acquire professional experience, and therefore to take a temporary job. Acquiring experience is the key to success, especially in a tight market such as Toronto. network