Combining full time studies and part-time work. Many young people work part time during their studies out of necessity, to pay the costs of education or simply to gain work experience. Although there are many benefits to working, reconciling full time studies and part-time work is not always easy. Here are some tips to get there. […]
Seniors part time work. The labour market is changing. Part-time work is no longer just for students and women. For the last few years, whether for financial reasons or for the love of work, those sixty and over have been pushing back the age to retire. And often, they choose part time work. The Canadian […]
Working without contract – What is a work contract? Are there risks related to working without an established contract? Does the law on labour standards protect all types of work? Let’s examine these questions from all angles. Working without contract “I understood that,” “It seemed to me,” “I ignored that,” are phrases, Jocelyne Cotnoir often […]
Music while working are you in favour of this practice? Do your colleagues’ conversations disturb you, are you having a hard time concentrating, or can you simply not go without music for even a few minutes, so you always work with earbuds in your ears? If so, you are far from being the only one, […]
Don’t be surprised if a recruiter proposes an interview in a public place. He has his reasons (spaces in the company not available, confidentiality of hiring in relation to existing employees or just a desire to make the best use of his time), but you now have new apprehensions: a place to evaluate, what to […]
Increased transparency with the Europass Doing an internship in Europe, pursuing studies or training in another countries, facilitating the free circulation of workers and the professional development of everyone; the opportunities offered by European education and training programs also involve major stumbling blocks. A person’s experience and apprenticeships are often neither listed, nor valued, or […]
Preparing your maternity leave and learn to delegate Testimonial by Caroline Webster, Human Resources Manager For the past three years, Caroline Webster has been the HR manager for the logistics platform of a large U.S. manufacturer of mechanical shovels. The young 30-year-old is in charge of recruiting, training and managerial coaching of executives on this 220-person […]
“It’s okay to lie on your CV, no one reads them anyway.” This is an example of one of the worst pieces of career advice that workers reported when interviewed by an independent survey firm. This survey, conducted on behalf of Accountemps, got responses from more than 400 Canadians aged 18 or older and who […]
Summer is approaching by leaps and bounds. Have you decided to go on vacation late, at the end of August or even in September? You will be delighted when the time comes, but until then you will have to survive with empty offices, knowing that most of your colleagues are sunbathing. Learn about the initiatives […]
The traditional model of job security: full time, having a single employer, has given way in the last few decades to an increase in flexibility and employment insecurity. Québécois occupying atypical jobs have more than doubled in the last 30 years. Are you in this category? Are you unionized? The job security offered to union […]
There are tons of stories of getting fired offhandedly. When this situation happens to us, we can ask ourselves what is our recourse and how far can businesses go. Exploring the issue. Regardless of individual or massive layoffs, it is always possible to do it by the book. But what are these concrete rules? Golden […]
We are not born passionate about our work, we become passionate. This idea is countercurrent to our current time’s message “follow your passion” that is posted everywhere from Facebook pages to blogs. But, passion is not the inevitable starting point of professional achievement. Shake up the myth that passion at work makes us happy. This […]